Hamida Momade

Project Manager

Hamida is a Mozambican with more than 10 years’ experience in Program Management for donors and NGOs such as DFID, World Bank, CARE International, and Pathfinder. She has extensive experience in planning, administration, and coordination of projects and is well acquainted with participatory methods that emphasize the involvement of communities and groups, including women and the most marginalized people, in planning, implementation, evaluation of development programs and projects. 

Her working experience further includes implementation of social accountability interventions, awareness-raising activities through radio and theatre to inform citizens about their rights and responsibilities, including for the most vulnerable people.

Hamida loves music, reading and playing at the beach with her 2-year-old son, Clayton.

Meet the rest of the team!

Elena Colonna

Search & Message Manager


Carlos Anselmo

Radio Coordinator





212 457-7566


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