Healthy Living
Healthy families are the foundation for prosperous communities.
Maternal and Child Health
Mozambique – Ouro Negro
of audience reported behavior change
of listeners like or strongly like the drama
estimated listeners for each episode
In Mozambique, maternal, newborn and child health is a serious concern. 43% of children under 5 are stunted from chronic illness and diet. Ouro Negro (Black Gold) is a national radio drama in Mozambique designed by PCI Media in partnership with UNICEF, Radio Mozambique, the Ministry of Health, and the World Food Programme as Facts for Life (FFL)’s flagship communications program. As the longest-running radio drama in the country, it has broadcast over 394 episodes on 116 national and local radio stations. In the drama, worlds collide as a fictional African village is confronted with the arrival of a foreign mining company. Against this backdrop of tension and change, listeners learn essential maternal, newborn, and child health practices. Rapid assessment surveys showed widespread impact after season one. Ouro Negro is currently in its 7th season.
Ouro Negro has been a trusted source for public health information among its listeners. When the COVID-19 pandemic happened, we were able to combine our Team Survive crisis communication strategy with Ouro Negro‘s existing infrastructure to deliver essential prevention messaging to an engaged base.
West Africa
of people increased prevention behaviors
increase in knowledge on Ebola
changed their attitudes about Ebola and survivors
video views
The 2014 West African Ebola outbreak killed over 11,000 people in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, and survivors faced persistent stigma.
The #ISurvivedEbola campaign used stories of survival to spread health messages and combat stigma in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. It included a 30-part documentary series, radio dramas in 12 languages, music videos, and campaign materials. In Guinea, we found a high mistrust of centrally produced media, so we developed a mobile production van which we drove to Ebola hotspots to produce and broadcast hyperlocal drama episodes. In Sierra Leone, we followed #ISurvivedEbola with a second series, Road to Recovery, focused on continued vigilance. Due to Road to Recovery, listeners changed their Ebola-related behaviors.
Let us tell your story
Sexual & Reproductive Health
more youth know how to use a condom correctly
more youth know their sexual and reproductive health rights
more youth are familiar with local youth council/young leaders

Teen pregnancy is rampant in Peru; rural and poor households are the most vulnerable. In 2011 we launched our first UNFPA program and radio drama on sexual health in Peru, working with youth leaders from Ayacucho and Ucayali. As a result, the Regional Government in Ayacucho approved an ordinance for teen pregnancy prevention. Since then, we have worked with adolescents across the country, strengthening the capacity of a new generation to promote sexual health. These programs boast a two-way approach: youth leaders are both the messengers and part of the audience, as they learn to raise awareness about reproductive health to curb early pregnancies.
Maternal & Child Health
East & South Africa
countries In Eastern & Southern Africa use the toolkit
tools and products available as MNCH health message teaching resources
Population of Eastern and Southern Africa
Maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) is a priority for Eastern and Southern Africa. Significant strides have been made in recent years: 1990, 1 in 6 children in the region died before their 5th birthday, which dropped to 1 in 13 in 2012. Gaps and disparities in the region remain troubling.
PCI Media worked with UNICEF to design and pilot a regional MNCH Communications for Development (C4D) video and web platform with products that is being be adapted and implemented by UNICEF offices and governments across the region. The C4D package is designed to equip health practitioners and community mobilizers to communicate with mothers and community leaders on effective health practices.