SBCC Summit 2022 Poster Presentation by Meesha Brown
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Communities replanting mangroves in West Africa
About West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change Program (WA BiCC)
West Africa faces many environmental challenges, including wildlife trafficking, low coastal resilience to climate change, and deforestation. Without significant changes in action from individuals, community members, and policymakers, climate change threatens the health, safety, and welfare of millions in the region. The West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change (WA BiCC) Program was a five-year program that took a comprehensive, adaptive, and integrated approach to driving change in policies, capacities, and practices, epitomizing the theme of ‘connecting the dots’.
Producing powerful media across a variety of platforms to raise public awareness, shift social norms, and generate action has been a crucial component in driving change. As part of the strategy, we produced radio dramas, films, social media, comic books, community mobilization campaigns, and traditional advocacy to encourage audiences to take action and promote sustainable behaviors. In order to do this effectively, our strategy engaged stakeholders at the individual, community, and policy levelvels.
Learn more about our work as a communications partner for WA BiCC.
PCI Media is a Social and Behavior Change Communications nonprofit with expertise in using entertainment-education radio dramas, television shows, and media-based campaigns to accelerate global social change. Through powerful media and community activation, we engage communities in participatory dialogue to build knowledge and change attitudes and behaviors on issues that prevent all people from living a healthy, self-determined life. To learn more visit
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