Las ventanas de Calicanto - Derechos sexuales from PCI Media on Vimeo.
Sara’s hot-headed boyfriend, Guille, pressures her to be more physical than she wants to be.

Jonas, the rising star of the local soccer team and coach’s son, fears disappointing his father by pursuing his passion for music.

Natalie grows increasingly frustrated with the unfair gender roles that dominate her life at home, and speaks out—but no one takes her seriously.

These are the characters at the center of Estamos a Tiempo’s radio drama ‘Calicanto,’ named after the small fictional town Sara, Jonas, and Nathalie live in.

Estamos a Tiempo is a communications campaign that helps the communities in Bolivia embrace difficult conversations around sexual and reproductive health by reducing the stigma that prevents them from happening.

At the center of the campaign is ‘Calicanto,’ a radio drama that follows teens as they navigate the challenging decisions and conversations they face when falling in love for the first time.

The above video PSA, ‘Windows into Calicanto,’ features the cast of the radio drama as they talk through some of the rights and resources that adolescents have when it comes to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

After the program wrapped in 2021, we found that Estamos a Tiempo has had a positive impact on tackling cultural taboos and promoting informed discussions around sexual and reproductive health:

  • 23% increase in adolescents discussing contraception options to prevent pregnancy at an early age
  • 30% increase in family planning knowledge
  • 20% increase in teen pregnancies as an issue
  • 15% increase in teens talking with parents about pregnancy prevention

The program was co-designed and implemented in partnership with IPPF/ CIES (the local family planning service delivery organization of the International Planned Parenthood Federation), Marie Stopes International (Bolivia), Child Fund, CEMSE, and many other local partners.